Link to video: shadowwalking

[For some reason I can’t get this video to play. Will come back to this in a while when I’m feeling a little less frustrated by it.]


I had the idea to tell a story, and I had started drafting how I would tell it, in my head, but less than a minute later and by the time I had sat down to write it on my computer, it had vanished and I can’t remember which it was. It was one of the incredible ones, the kind I often think no one would believe but I found, just now, in the bathroom, in my mind, the words to put it down. And now it’s gone.


I have put everything that happened to me, just as it happened to me, as drawings, into a glass case underneath a rock ten feet by twelve feet by eight feet in size at an undisclosed location in the countryside.










Image is called ‘foundation’ since I made it on art foundation, it displays women’s complexions under foundation make up and seems like a mulch of women’s faces, the foundation of society. I like the discoloured, yellowing, old sellotape marks. I made it by placing Sellotape over magazine images then using a pencil tip to rub over the faces so that the tape acts like a transfer medium.